Why are there Duty Free stores?


After countries go thru all the trouble of taxing imports, why then would they allow ppl to just buy whatever they want duty free? Why do these shops exist? What benefit do they serve? And why are they only at airports?

In: 390

28 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

>After countries go thru all the trouble of taxing imports, why then would they allow ppl to just buy whatever they want duty free?

Basically all import tariffs have an exception for small amounts of stuff that travelers carry for personal use. It’s so the customs officers don’t waste time collecting 83¢ in import duties on tourists’ souvenirs, or investigating whether the cigarettes you have in your pocket came from this or that country, and whether they’ve been taxed correctly. It’s only a minor exaggeration to say, anything less than a truckload isn’t worth getting out of your chair over.

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