Why are there no actual videos of any hundreds of feet high tsunamis?


Any tsunami video I look at barely looks like a 20 feet wave hitting shore. But wikipedia tells me there have been dozens of 100+ feet tsunamis even in the last 10 years.

In: 1276

117 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think most people are missin the mark on this one. The 100+ foot tsunamis I have hear about are all on remote mountainous areas. I’ve hear of a couple in northern bc. One in 2020 or so that was a real big one. But they notices it a month later when flying over the remote areas. Now what you need to get a 300+ foot tall wave is a bottle neck of some sort. The specific one I’m thinking about was cause by a large land slide into a lake pushing all the water in the lake down a narrower steam/river and there being evidence of trees getting washed away way up the hill side. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/b-c-landslide-triggered-100-metre-tall-lake-tsunami-study-shows-1.6401469 that’s a link to that story.

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