Why are there no actual videos of any hundreds of feet high tsunamis?


Any tsunami video I look at barely looks like a 20 feet wave hitting shore. But wikipedia tells me there have been dozens of 100+ feet tsunamis even in the last 10 years.

In: 1276

117 Answers

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Tsunamis tend to be very stretched out. They may start as huge walls of water, but once they travel across the entire ocean, there can be hundreds of kilometres between the front of the wave and its highest point, unlike the kinds of waves you see at the beach, which are usually only a few metres wide.

Basically if you watch a video of a tsunami, you’ll see the water rushes in and keeps rising for several minutes, less like a wave at the beach, and more like a sped up video of a rising tide. When they say that the tsunami was 100ft tall, they basically mean that this is how much the water rose by.

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