Why are there no actual videos of any hundreds of feet high tsunamis?


Any tsunami video I look at barely looks like a 20 feet wave hitting shore. But wikipedia tells me there have been dozens of 100+ feet tsunamis even in the last 10 years.

In: 1276

117 Answers

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Anonymous 0 Comments

Lots of posts are close but your responses indicate you still have questions.

Think of a tsunami as rising sea levels rather than a wave. As if the sea level suddenly became 100 ft higher.

As far as I know, there have not been tsunamis in areas with really tall buildings near the shore. That’s probably why you’re not finding the types of photos you’re expecting. People in areas that experience tsunamis don’t build really tall buildings near the water. But if you have a house that’s 100 ft above sea level facing the ocean, a tsunami would make it beach front property briefly (along with a tremendous amount of debris).

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

There are videos like this: [Ice drop tsunami](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jX2mtToygPw)

And if I remember correctly, there’s a bay in Alaska where this happens semi regularly and sends waves 500 feet up the sides of the mountains across the bay.


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

They do not form into the 100’+ until they are at land. By then it is too late to grab a camera, or if you are close enough to use a camera, you are likely running for your life instead.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are videos like this: [Ice drop tsunami](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jX2mtToygPw)

And if I remember correctly, there’s a bay in Alaska where this happens semi regularly and sends waves 500 feet up the sides of the mountains across the bay.


Anonymous 0 Comments

A tsunami isn’t a wall of water the height of a skyscraper towering over a city. That’s not how it works. tsunami waves like the 2004 one hit the shore with the height of maybe 2 cars stacked onto each other.

A tsunami is sort of analogous to floodwaters, except it’s flowing from the direction of the ocean.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are videos like this: [Ice drop tsunami](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jX2mtToygPw)

And if I remember correctly, there’s a bay in Alaska where this happens semi regularly and sends waves 500 feet up the sides of the mountains across the bay.


Anonymous 0 Comments

They do not form into the 100’+ until they are at land. By then it is too late to grab a camera, or if you are close enough to use a camera, you are likely running for your life instead.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They do not form into the 100’+ until they are at land. By then it is too late to grab a camera, or if you are close enough to use a camera, you are likely running for your life instead.

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