– why are there no wind turbines in Austin Texas?

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It’s windy almost everyday here and our energy provider is constantly sending texts to conserve energy. Guessing it has something to do with the oil presence in the state but genuinely baffled given how far Austin is from “traditional Texas”

In: Technology

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because there are much better places in Texas to put wind turbines, and until those places are full there’s basically no reason to put them anywhere else. There’s a ton of significantly cheaper land in places like west texas that will produce much more power.

Here’s a [map](https://windexchange.energy.gov/maps-data/325) of wind speeds that can give you a decent idea of where it’s best to do wind power. Note that Austin’s wind speed isn’t particularly impressive.

Edit: Likely has very little to do with “oil presence in the state” since there’s still a decent number of solar installations around Austin

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