Why are there “Phantom” Closed Captions


Sometimes when I’m watching a TV Show on any streaming platform, why do the the closed captions have dialogue between the character that isn’t actually spoken but makes sense in the context of the conversation?

Rule 7: previous posts ask about background noises that can’t be heard, but I’m wondering why there seem to just be parts of the script missing.

In: 31

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I just assumed it was lost in translation somewhere, or a program automatically captioned it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

One reason for scripted content is that the script/edit can change between when it’s sent to be captioned and the final edit of the show. This causes the older version of the audio to be in the caption or for a scene cut from the show to still be in the captions.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s for people from other parts of the world.

For example, I was watching an animated film from Japan, and subtitles read that the father told the children to take off their shoes before entering the house.

In Japan, that’s not necessary, because that’s just their culture. However, in other parts of the world it isn’t. Thus the subtitles provided the gap between shoed children and shoeless children.

Anonymous 0 Comments
