why are there rain delays in certain sports, like baseball, but not football (American or non-American) unless, of course there’s lightning.


why are there rain delays in certain sports, like baseball, but not football (American or non-American) unless, of course there’s lightning.

In: 184

17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Many comments on how baseball is dangerous in the rain esp when the pitcher can no longer control the ball.

There are allowances for American football to stop a game if the officials feel conditions are unsafe. Just rare. I recall a game in Kansas City vs Seattle like 20 years ago that got so much rain (like 2 inches in the first half alone and over 5 for the day) that they paused the game.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If someone can exand on the “lightning” part. What are the chances of a lightning hitting the ground while surrounded with metal stadium?

Anonymous 0 Comments

In baseball parts of the infield (including the base running lines) are literally bare dirt, which is groomed with a huge rake several times during the game. Rain can quickly turn this loose dirt into mud, which makes base running nearly impossible.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Baseball is basically unplayable in wet conditions. It’s just the nature of the game. Wet balls are harder to grip which makes pitching much harder. Grounders hit into mud basically just stop so infield play becomes mostly meaningless. Baseballs absorb water and become heavier, which is a problem for players arms, and also dead weights that are impossible to hit long distances. Base paths don’t have grass and just become mud. Attempting to sprint in mud is a great way to break an ankle.

Bottom line is baseball just doesn’t work in wet conditions. It doesn’t really have anything to do with player toughness or traditions, you literally just cant.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Playing football in the rain is actually super fun imo.aybe not for every position, but tackling someone and sliding ten feet never gets old lmao.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Additionally, why do indoor swimming pools close during lightning storms?

What to take a guess the number of fatalities there have been in indoor swimming pools because of lightning strike?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Probably not the sole answer, but I’m sure this plays a part. Football is a times game. You get 60 minutes than the game is over. Baseball doesn’t have a time limit. If it’s raining, it can be really hard to throw strikes, to see the ball and to get outs so the game could go on and on and on because regardless how long it lasts, the game still needs to go 9 innings.