Nimbys – Residents use their voting power to choke housing supply and drive up cost by not allowing for higher density housing. They are currently on the back foot as the State is mandating higher density housing plans and some of the cities are fucking around and they’re about to find out.
Reagan – As Governor, he obliterated California’s mental health care system in the 60’s
Reagan 2 Racist Boogaloo – As president Reagan gutted social investment, which is implicitly racist, as it disproportionately affects POC, and places of diversity like Cali. Democrats also shifted Conservative after being but fucked by Reagan at the polls.
Systemic Racism – After the Civil Rights Act passed most racist politicians pivoted to a tough on crime platform working with Reagan to gut social investment and make POC poorer, and more likely to commit crime. Democrats also adopted these policies to curry favor with the public but it is unknown if they new the policies are racist or just they fell for the “It Ain’t Racist if it isn’t Explicitly Racist” rhetoric
Wall Street – Purchases home as a speculative investment then sell to another investor, who then sells to another investor in an endless circle jerk raising home prices.
Landlords – Raising prices citing the “market” even though THEY ARE THE MARKET.
Climate – Los Angeles and San Fran have decidedly less lethal climates than other places in the US making them attractive to homeless
Other states – With Cali’s liberal attitude, other states will ship their people here who haven’t committed a crime worth prosecuting, but are a public nuisance and are otherwise a blemish on their conservative vision
Corporations – Raising prices citing “Inflation” yet reaping record profits.
Rent Control – In an attempt to keep old tenants from being evicted, rent control was enacted. But it only scared away any developers willing to create higher density housing further choking the housing supply.
Wages – Despite having the 3rd highest minimum wage in the Union, the minimum wage has lagged behind and in certain places should be double what it currently is in California.
Developers – Renting at inflated rates despite apartments building not at or near capacity because it’s more profitable than undercutting the Market and renting for cheaper.
Helping but on Authoritarian terms – Rather than just helping people no strings attached, authoritarians demand those they help only receive help if they conform to their vision.
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