Why are there so many options for vehicular gasoline at the pumps and what’s even the difference between them?


Why are there so many options for vehicular gasoline at the pumps and what’s even the difference between them?

In: 527

14 Answers

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In internal combustion engines, there is a thing called ‘compression ratio’. The higher this number is, the more squeeze applied to the fuel air mixture during the compression step before the combustion step. This compression heats up the fuel air mixture and can cause it to combust prematurely. The higher the octane rating, the more the fuel air mixture can be compressed before combusting. If you use gas with too low of an octane rating, it will combust before it is supposed to which can, at best, cause some knocking, or at worst, actually damage your engine and break it. Use whatever octane rating your car specifies. Definitely no lower, but also no higher because then you’re just wasting your money.

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