why are there so many sizes for button batteries?


why are there so many sizes for button batteries?

In: 4

4 Answers

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The size of the battery dictates how much electricity it can make. This is measured in ampere-hours, which is how long the battery can used.

Obviously, you could create a giant button battery that lasts a really long time… But it wouldn’t fit in most watches. So, battery size is a trade off between how long they can be used and how big they make the device that uses them. Because there is a large variety of devices trying to be as small as possible, there are a large number of button and coin batteries.

And random fun fact: the other way to measure batteries is the “force” with which the electrons move, called volts. Most watch batteries are standardized at 1.55v or 3 volts. The voltage is generally dictated by the type of chemical used in the battery (silver oxide or lithium.)

If you line up a series of batteries correctly, their voltages add together. Two 3 volt batteries in series will become a 6 volt battery.

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