As the other commenters have said, some types of food plant have a lot of varieties because people specifically bred and crossbred a bunch of different kinds. People did this for a LOT of different plants too, but not all varieties of fruits are able to be grown or transported efficiently. Usually only the types of crops easiest to mass-grow become commonplace.
As another example of a lot of fruit varieties, [every single citrus fruit ever came from 3 initial species, the citron, pomelo, and mandarin.]( These have been crossbred and selectively bred into familiar fruits such as lemons, limes, oranges, and grapefruits, but there are *tons* more that aren’t commonly grown in mass quantities.
For a non fruit example, [cabbage, kale, and broccoli, as well as various other veggies,]( were all bred from the same ancestor veggie.
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