Why are Watt Hours not Watts per Hour? Are they the same thing?


Why are Watt Hours not Watts per Hour? Are they the same thing?

In: 1289

79 Answers

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The simple answer is that Watts are already a measurement of rate.

1Watt = 1Joule/ Sec

So a watt-second is a count of energy

Joule/Sec * Sec = just Joules

A watt per second is like a measurement of acceleration – how “fast” is my rate changing?

Watt/Sec = Joules/Sec/Sec.

Using hours is just saying “3600 seconds” in the above math.

Think of it like “mph”, if mph was it’s own unit.

1mph * 1hour = 1 mile.

1mph/1hour = I sped up from 50 mph to 51 mph over the course of an hour.

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