Watt hours is a unit of energy.
A watt per hour /second It is a unit of power that is energy usage per unit of time
and 1 hour =3600 second
1 watthour = 1 joule /second * 3600 second =3600 joule
1 watt-second is the same as 1 joule
1 watt per hour = 1 joule /second / 3600 second =1/3600 joule/second^2
That is a rate of change of power. So 1 watt per hour means the power usage increases 1 watt every hour. So a if a device start to use 40 watts is will use 41 watts after 1 hour, 42 after to, and so on.
You can compare that to the moment. I will use second not hour it just remove constant that is multiple of 3600
The distance traveled will be equal to the energy.
So 1 meter is like 1 joule =1watt-second
The speed will be the power
so 1meter per second is like 1 watt = 1 joule/second.
The acceleration will be like the watt per hour
So 1 meter/second ^2 is like 1watt/second = = 1 joule/second^2
So the watt-hour is the speed and watt/hour is the acceleration. It is quite a different concept.
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