Why are we either ‘Night Owl’ or ‘Early Birds’?


Why are we either night owls or early birds and is change possible?

Ever since as far back as I can remember I’ve been a night owl – far more focussed, energetic and motivated during the late evenings.

This was back when I had a forced routine of going to bed ‘early’ to wake up for school.

Even in adult life where I’ve both had a choice or been forced into a routine of waking up at early hours due to a job I’ve found that hasn’t changed. I function better at night, no matter what routine I get into.

Is there a reason for this and is change possible? Are there also ‘Mid day people’?

In: 17

38 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I feel I cannot be just 1 type of person. Sometimes I’m night owl and sometimes i go to bed by 10 pm.
Is it necessary to taht you fall within one of those categories?

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