Why are we either ‘Night Owl’ or ‘Early Birds’?


Why are we either night owls or early birds and is change possible?

Ever since as far back as I can remember I’ve been a night owl – far more focussed, energetic and motivated during the late evenings.

This was back when I had a forced routine of going to bed ‘early’ to wake up for school.

Even in adult life where I’ve both had a choice or been forced into a routine of waking up at early hours due to a job I’ve found that hasn’t changed. I function better at night, no matter what routine I get into.

Is there a reason for this and is change possible? Are there also ‘Mid day people’?

In: 17

38 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some have theorized that it was beneficial in early human history of hunter gatherers – so that there was always a group awake and alert to guard and protect the tribe while the rest sleeps. It’s very handy for survival to always be on alert in the wild. The early birds can rest while the night owls guard and vice versa.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some have theorized that it was beneficial in early human history of hunter gatherers – so that there was always a group awake and alert to guard and protect the tribe while the rest sleeps. It’s very handy for survival to always be on alert in the wild. The early birds can rest while the night owls guard and vice versa.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve heard that being a night owl is impossible and is just really a reaction of our actions we choose. Not sure tho

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve heard that being a night owl is impossible and is just really a reaction of our actions we choose. Not sure tho

Anonymous 0 Comments

I spent 9 years, in a row, never waking up later than 6:30 am. Most of those years I was getting up at 5. It never got easier. Yes I did the no blue light, no tv, careful what I eat, go to bed early too etc etc. it never got easier. I felt sick until 10 or 11. This year I started waking up at 8 and going to bed at 12-1. I not only feel good and am productive until I go to bed, but when I wake up I skip the sick feeling I had for so many years. I don’t believe we can drastically change it. We can tweak it for sure, but I did all of the things I was supposed to, for close to a decade, and it never got easier.

Edit: this is definitely anecdotal, and based in my experience alone, it isn’t a scientific explanation. So I’m not sure what it’s worth.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I spent 9 years, in a row, never waking up later than 6:30 am. Most of those years I was getting up at 5. It never got easier. Yes I did the no blue light, no tv, careful what I eat, go to bed early too etc etc. it never got easier. I felt sick until 10 or 11. This year I started waking up at 8 and going to bed at 12-1. I not only feel good and am productive until I go to bed, but when I wake up I skip the sick feeling I had for so many years. I don’t believe we can drastically change it. We can tweak it for sure, but I did all of the things I was supposed to, for close to a decade, and it never got easier.

Edit: this is definitely anecdotal, and based in my experience alone, it isn’t a scientific explanation. So I’m not sure what it’s worth.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In our house, my wife, my oldest, my youngest, and myself are all night owls. My middle is an early bird (the little psycho). He can’t stay up late at all, but he’s ALWAYS the first one up by HOURS.

You can imagine this causes some strife.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In our house, my wife, my oldest, my youngest, and myself are all night owls. My middle is an early bird (the little psycho). He can’t stay up late at all, but he’s ALWAYS the first one up by HOURS.

You can imagine this causes some strife.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Up until my early 30s I could reliably sleep until 9 or 10. And stay up until midnight. All without issue.

Then I started working a shift that started at 4 am. From that point on, I can’t sleep past 7 (unless really sick) and will generally be nodding off around 9:30 or so.

It’s possible to change. But it takes a big adjustment.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Up until my early 30s I could reliably sleep until 9 or 10. And stay up until midnight. All without issue.

Then I started working a shift that started at 4 am. From that point on, I can’t sleep past 7 (unless really sick) and will generally be nodding off around 9:30 or so.

It’s possible to change. But it takes a big adjustment.