Why are we still using a heavily distorted world map?


Many documentaries seem to agree that the world map we currently use is far from accurate, and it’s misrepresenting the size (and even shape) of many continents, islands and countries. It’s using an outdated projection technique called ” Mercator projection ” that was mainly used for sailing back in the 16th century. Why aren’t we using a map that’s more up to date? Can maps like “thetruesize” website be relied upon?

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16 Answers

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The main reason is that basically any map format has flaws. The only (almost) flawless way to project the earth is by using a globe, but that doesn’t really serve the same purpose as a map. The reason for this is that it is impossible to depict a round surface on a flat projection without changing at least some details like shape, size, and angles. The world map most commonly used is one in which the angles are preserved, but as a result the size and shape of things get distorted. This format was originally chosen because it is the easiest for navigation while sailing as you can exactly follow the path laid out on the map without having to convert the angles on the map into the true angles you would have to turn. This map sticked around because there is no real reason to change maps if the new maps wouldn’t be flawless but instead just have different flaws than the original map.

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