Why are we supposed to keep our homes warmer in the summer and cooler in the winter?


Why are we supposed to keep our homes warmer in the summer and cooler in the winter?

In: Economics

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In addition to the energy saved it makes the outside more comfortable by keeping me acclimated.

Anonymous 0 Comments

To reduce energy use… it costs less/uses less energy to heat to 68 in winter and cool to 76 in summer than trying to be at exactly 72 all year round

Anonymous 0 Comments

It requires more energy to counteract the seasons temperature. This leads to using more electricity or natural gas to either keep the house warmer or cooler depending on what season it is. In some places the density of people is so thick the utilities can have a hard time keeping up with the demand which can result in brown outs or rolling black outs meaning no electricity to run the cooling machines.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because it’s cheaper? If 65-75 is acceptable, 65 is cheaper in the winter, and 75 is cheaper in the summer.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Saves money i turn the ac off when im not home and last month my bill was like $50 for a 4 bedroom house.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a way of saying “suffer a little and conserve resources.”

Even 2 degrees away from your ideal indoor temperature can make all the difference in resources, not to mention saving you lots of money.