Why are we the only species who needs to use toilet paper?



In: 306

24 Answers

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I don’t disagree with everyone else, but I think they are missing a huge point… the modern diet.

Take our dogs as an example. They tend to have fairly firm but consistent poops but we feed them the exact same thing every time that is balanced for their needs (in general). If you or I ate that way we would probably have very little wiping needs as well. And also like us, if they get to eat a whole pizza they can have the runs or be backed up and probably could use some wiping.

As omnivores we evolved to eat whatever we could get our hands on and digest though, so our ancestors likely had times of needing to wipe as well, even when eating ‘naturally.’

I for one, am really appreciative to live in the time of soft and abundant toilet papers… oh and well after they became ‘splinter free.’

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