Why are Winters cold?


Why are Winters cold?

In: Earth Science

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Earth’s tilted. Meaning the top half is tilted toward the sun half the year, and away from the sun half the year. (Same for the bottom half, except it’s opposite — bottom half is tilted toward the sun when the top half is tilted away.)

It’s not because you’re further away though. The distance is different, but the difference is only a tiny tiny fraction of the distance to the Sun.

The real reason winter is cold is that when you’re tilted away, the light comes in at more of an angle, which makes it more spread out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The winter is colder because due to the earth rotating on an axis, that part of the earth is farther away from the sun.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The earth is rotating on an axle. That axle is not perpendicular to our trajectory around the sun. As a result, as we slowly travel around the sun over a year, different part of the earth get hit by the rays of the sun at different angles. At places and times where the sun end up not going much perpendicular, a lot of the ray of light bounce against our atmosphere. A bit like if you put a torchlight straight above a glass pane, most of the light goes through, but if you are at an angle, a lot of the light bounce off of it.

And since most of our heat come from the ray sun, it get colder where the sun shine less.