Why are you not supposed to ejaculate for a week after a vasectomy?


Why are you not supposed to ejaculate for a week after a vasectomy?

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I speak from experience on this one. My wife and I had a 5 yr old, an 11 month old and found out she was pregnant, Surprise! I 29M was sitting on the side of the tub weirdly laughing as my wife 31F sobbed holding the positive test. Her second pregnancy which was an unscheduled C-section was especially difficult after her first pregnancy which was a routine C-section.

My wife had to have a 3rd C-section and made arrangements to have a tubal ligation while on the table after the birth. A 3rd healthy boy was just born and the doctor tells my wife she is going to begin the tibal ligation and my wife tells the doctor she changed her mind. The doctor asked are you sure? My wife replied “Yes, I don’t plan on having any more children but the thought of not being able to give birth freaks me out”. So the plan is now I have to get the snip-snip.

So about six months later, my wife and I take a trip to the urologist. She wanted to join me with the doctor for the consult. I agreed thinking what’s the big deal we are just going to talk to the Dr. To my surprise the Dr. asks me to stand up and take my pants down. Ooook, so the Doc wheels over on a chair and begins to “Examine the physiology of my scrotum”. I look over and my wife is covering her mouth trying not to explode with laughter as the Dr. is telling me I have a large vas-deference. The Dr. could tell I was very nervous. The doctor assured me he has performed over 10,000 of these procedures without any complications. He suggested I be put under short anesthesia for the procedure. I agreed and they gave me a Valium to the morning before the procedure. My wife accompanies me to the hospital. I go into the prep area. They give me a shot of Demerol, I go to sleep, I wake up an hour later bing bang boom everything’s done. I was sent home with instructions not to ejaculate for six weeks. So about a week or 10 days later I feel pretty good. My wife and I are curious to see if things still work. So she does something special for me that could not get her pregnant. Everything seems fine. Yeah!

I wake up the next morning with blood in my underwear and my left testicle has turned purple. It is also significantly larger than the right testicle. So back to the doctor we go. The Dr. didn’t ask if we engaged in prohibited activity, probably because he knows we did. He said I had a hematoma. This puts a whole new take on busting a nut. I was sent home with instructions to put ice on it, limit my physical activity and reminded not to engage in sexual activity. Over the next two days, my left nut swelled to the size of a softball and was purple as an eggplant. I could barely walk and missed a week of work. It was very painful week. While my wife was sympathetic at the time over the years she has enjoyed telling the story of my purple softball nut at various social gatherings.

Busted a nut too soon and my testicle swelled up the size of a softball and turned purple. Yes it hurt.

Edit: spelling

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As someone who had a vasectomy done, trust me that you won’t want anything to do with that for days. I didn’t want to even pee, much less try to jack off. Walking wasn’t too bad, but I definitely refrained from anything mildly strenuous.

I don’t recall precisely how long it took to feel normal again, but I kept using the jock strap they gave me for at least two weeks, and I kept the bandages on for a couple days before attempting a shower. I should also mention that I was put under general anesthesia because I had such a severe anxiety around the procedure that the Valium they gave me didn’t do anything.