why aren’t elevators standard where you can deselect buttons?


It seems to be so easy to implement and everybody knows the problem: you take an elevator, you click the wrong floor and now you have to wait awkwardly on the wrong floor for the doors to close again.

In: 32

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In engineering every decision is a tradeoff.

The design decision is that accidentally pushing the wrong button is a smaller deal than accidentally canceling one, or someone being a jerk and canceling others’ floor requests. On top of that there is the fact that intuitively (and through experience) pressing a button requests a stop at that floor. What’s the cancel? Press twice like double clicking? Press and hold? Hold a separate cancel button? So no, it’s not as easy to implement as you posit.

When there is a business justification for it, you can have elevator systems where you request a floor and the scheduling system will direct elevators for higher efficiency. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Destination_dispatch

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