Why aren’t homes in wildfire prone areas protected by a sprinkler system?


Is there anything stopping me from an engineering standpoint installing a water tower on my property and making sprinklers around a radius of my home to drench the area in case of wildfire?

In: 83

35 Answers

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There’s no reason you *couldn’t* do this, but it would be very expensive to implement, and even more expensive to run.

It would be very similar to [ire sprinklers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire_sprinkler), which are primarily used in commercial buildings, and require significant maintenance, and all piping must be inspected annually, which is not required on residential systems. Also, this is a lot of water you’re going to need.

I would guess that automatic wildfires suppression systems would significantly increase the cost of construction on your home, and would have a high ongoing cost in maintenance.

Also, the system in place for wildfire prevention is to keep your property clear of dead vegetation (if you’re in the US, this is likely required by law), and to have a defensible area (an area clear of vegetation) around your home. This minimizes the likelihood of your home catching fire, and significantly reduces the likelihood of the fire spreading.

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