Why aren’t large pickup trucks required to display license plates?


I’m talking about the “I have a small pecker, but a big truck” kind of vehicles.

In: Other

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Where do you live? All vehicles are required to display tags here.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They are required to display both rear and back license plates here in Texas. Where do you live that they are not required?

Anonymous 0 Comments

In Missouri, if you have a vehicle with a 26k lb payload capacity or greater, it does not require tags or for passengers to wear a seat belt. This is due to a workaround law put in place for school buses.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I found another thread about this. Apparently if the vehicle is rated for towing, no back plate is required. Only in this hillbilly state, of course

Anonymous 0 Comments

They are required to. Pretty much any vehicle not owned and operated by the government requires plates. Many government vehicles do have plates, but others do not.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I saw a truck today that had a Custom plate that read “Vehicle registered as 26,000 lb. No plates required “ They actually had a plate made to say they didn’t need a plate.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yeah thats not legal anywhere. Some states don’t require front plates on cars, but you absolutely have to have a back plate

Anonymous 0 Comments

Where do you live? Pretty sure not having a license plate on any vehicle is illegal.