Why aren’t monocylces used anymore?


I’m genuinely curious why something that looked so neat back then phased out. Were they unsafe? what advantage was there over a motor bike?

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s hard to ride. In college I, and many other people, used unicycles all the time. But even with a year’s practice you fall a lot more than on a regular bike. (No Biden bike comments please.)

The monocycle takes the difficulty of the unicycle and adds the speed and danger of a motorbike. That’s upping the risk of injury for “look so neat”. That’s really not a super good idea.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Someone answered this awhile ago.

Essentially the problems were stopping at speed meant you ended up upside down. They was something about cornering. Not very fuel efficient. I think there was something about height restrictions.

But yeah, they looked dope.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The monocycle was no more then a gimick from the start, and still is. They are relatively hard to control as they move around a lot during acceleration and braking. The brake distance is also limited compared to a traditional two wheeled cycle. You typically also get a number of other issues like the weight, suspension, visability, etc. And there are basically no good advantages to the design other then the looks.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Monocycles were never widely adopted as modes of transportation. Many had been made individually by some people but there was never a company putting a monocycle into production. They were unsafe and they had no advantages over motorcycles or cars. They just looked cool.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They weren’t practical, they just looked cool going in a straight line. Some dudes made a working jet pack in the 1960s too, but it’s no wonder why those didn’t catch on.