Why aren’t the woods just chock full of bones?


When I was a kid, we used to explore the woods all the time. I came across a couple dead mice or birds in my time, but they were always recently deceased.

But tons of animals live and presumably die in the woods. Why aren’t the woods covered in deer and bear and raccoon skeletons? Where are all the bones going?

In: 4903

16 Answers

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Bones don’t last that long out in the elements (sun, heat, water, exposure to other organisms which digest them).

Fossilized bones are the exception, not the norm. We don’t have any dinosaur fossils at all from prehistoric rainforests. We get fossils when, for example, flash floods cover an area in a concrete-like sediment that gets buried (and thus is undisturbed by the elements) for a long time. These are often desert flood basins.

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