Why aren’t there more hybrid vehicles before we go to all electric cars & trucks?


Why aren’t there more hybrid vehicles before we go to all electric cars & trucks?

In: 22

17 Answers

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Honestly I gotta say even though it’s a prototype from Hyundai the N76 shows the power of a hybrid albeit using a hydrogen fuel cell instead of petroleum. The fuel cell can pump out 95 kW to help power the motors or recharge the battery. So it can recharge the battery after you run out of charge if need be. Seems pretty ideal for the US during our petrochemical phase out to utilize similar methods for gasoline.

The US cental banks federal reserve note was the only internationally legal petro dollar until recent actions by other nations and be it as it may it’s losing ground not only due to such noncompliance, it would be foolish to cold turkey the basis of our US monetary notes by backing out to rapidly, especially considering our vehicle exports are almost if not completely exclusively to nations that comply with Federal Reserve Notes being the standard petrodollar.

That being said petroleum needs to go the way of the dinosaurs if we stand a chance living here long enough before other options are truly viable. Well, that and cows were close to cracking the methane problem’s code.

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