why aren’t viruses “alive”?


Hi everyone,

I’m not very knowledgeable about science, so I’m struggling to understand the notion that viruses aren’t “alive”, and the robot analogies people use. I understand that they don’t have some of the characteristics (cells, ability to reproduce), but my mind can’t wrap itself around the notion that they’re like objects. Can you please give some examples that could explain this in a way that is accessible to someone who isn’t very advanced in the subject?


EDIT: wow thanks so much guys for so many amazing replies!!!

In: 29

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I like to think of it more like a spectrum

On the “definitely not alive” side, we have stuff like rocks.

Then we have the typical definition of life on the other.

Viruses are sort somewhere in the middle. Doesn’t meet the definition of life, but it’s closer to life than a rock is.

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