Why aren’t vision and dental covered under regular medical insurance?


Why aren’t vision and dental covered under regular medical insurance?

In: 103

8 Answers

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The real question is why doesn’t the U.S. have national health insurance that covers *everybody* and that completely covers all medical, dental and mental health problems *completely?*

I served in the Marine Corps. We got excellent medical and dental coverage through the U.S. Navy Hospital Corps. (The Marine Corps does not have its own medics. They come from the USNHC and are called “corpsmen.”) Every regiment has an Area Sick Bay. If you need medical or dental attention you just get a sick bay pass from your company office and go there, and get treated for free. Going in for check-ups is not optional. You *will* go to sick bay when they tell you to come in for a medical or dental check-up.

I see absolutely no reason why people who wish to become physicians, or dentists, or nurses, or any other medical profession should not spend at least two-to-four years serving in a National Health Corps. Regional Class II hospitals surrounded by neighborhood clinics with air ambulance service to Class I trauma centers. Our nation’s health is a national security concern.

Medical schools are created and supported **BY SOCIETY.** Millions of people support them by going to work every day creating the society that allows modern medical science to exist. Clean water, sewer systems, electrical grids, streets and highways, safe and dependable food, etc., etc. don’t just fall out of the sky.

Our nation should be delivering medical and dental care to *every single person* at least as good as our armed forces receive.

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