The most basic answer is that “Insurance” is for “really, really bad things”, not “ordinary bad things”.
Auto insurance isn’t for when you bump someone’s car while parking. It’s for a major collision where people are injured and cars destroyed. House insurance is for when your home is gone because of a fire, or a tree falls through a wall, not for when you have a small repair.
Medical expenses are regularly $10,000 and up, for a major injury, or something like an appendicitis or other minor surgery.
Vision expenses usually aren’t. A regular exam, tests, some glasses, usually a few hundred dollars, maybe $1000. Yes, that’s a lot, but not massive to where a person may never be able to pay that off. Same with dental.
And if Dental and Vision really do have issues that cost tens of thousands of dollars? They are covered in regular health care policies anyways! Opthamologists are medical doctors. Someone to treat your bone infection in your jaw is not a dentist.
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