To my recollection, many Asian dramas (and anime), even if the restaurant is supposed to serve cuisine that doesn’t really have fried rice as traditional repotaire (eg: western), ended up using fried Rice as a way to demonstrate the new guy’s skill (at least, being acceptable to the restaurant). Why is that?
In: 183
I saw a chef once say he liked to test new people by asking them to make a fried egg.
For a chef that’s not a particularly difficult dish to make. It’s something they tend to do at least once in culinary school and it’s a good breakfast. There’s lots of ways to make it and depending on their focus they may cover many different ways.
Thing is this chef isn’t looking to get floored by something innovative. They want to see how this new person approaches something very basic. If their technique is sloppy or, worse, they fail, it says a lot about whether they’ve practiced their fundamentals. Doing badly at something basic means you’re probably not going to be great at the complex things.
That’s probably the idea here. Fried rice isn’t very complicated to make, but a lot can go wrong and it shows off a lot of different skills. If the new guy can’t pull off fried rice, they may not be so hot.
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