why autism isn’t considered a personality disorder?


i’ve been reading about personality disorders and I feel like a lot of the symptoms fit autism as well. both have a rigid and “unhealthy” patterns of thinking, functioning and behaving, troubles perceiving and relating to situations and people, the early age of onset, both are pernament

In: 1195

32 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

because it is just your brain being a completely different type. sometimes autism gets diagnosed as adhd or something else and occasionally you have ppl like me with both. personality disorders also dont start showing at literally the age of 2 (and autism like any other thing where your brain is just wired way differently is already there from birth). on top of that there really isnt much (if anything) wrong with being autistic. society is just built for nuerotypicals (aka “normal” ppl) and we arent them

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