Why blogs/articles have too much text to read than the actual subject?


When you read an article about changing the brush size in Photoshop, you would see they introduce you with Windows history before going directly in the point. You try to root your android, they explain you step by step how to remove a single app. Googling how to cook Pizza, you will see introduction about Rome. Etc..

I wonder why? This makes me jump many important lines trying to go to the bottom line!

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9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

For the record, this is usually found on *articles*, not *blogs*. The difference is that the former are produced in bulk by writers working for companies, while the latter are (generally) individuals writing about their interests. Most blogs that you find will have higher-quality content with much less fluff – for example, [righto.com](https://righto.com) is just a guy talking about computers. Nothing more – just the computers.

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