Why any particular egg has a “stuck shell” is a complicated question. But it is worth pointing out that if you know how, you can easily ensure that it hardly ever happens.
The standard method is to cook the eggs and then rapidly cool them in ice water. But to make them easy to peel, there is an extra step. After they’ve cooled for at least a minute in the ice water (to stop them from getting over-cooked and the yolks turning green) *submerge them in boiling water again* for about ten seconds, then plunge them back into the ice water. This causes the shells to expand slightly, pulling them away from the cooked egg. You will be completely amazed how easy the eggs are to peel after that. Whether done right away or after a few days of refrigeration, often all it takes is slightly cracking the shell, rolling the egg once to extend the crack around the whole egg, and the hard boiled egg will practically squirt out of the shell.
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