Why can caffeine have such wildly different affects on different people?


What is it that’s different about different people that means caffeine (or maybe all drugs that alter mental states?) can affect different people in different ways.

For me coffee has no noticeable affect on my energy at all seems to actually work quite well as a warm drink before sleeping. But for others it can give them more energy or even make them anxious?

In: 3

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t know all of the ins and outs of it. Maybe someone with the appropriate knowledge can enlighten us both.
I do know that our brains have many different receptors. I think they work something like plugging a charger into a device. Only you have a bunch of chargers and a bunch of devices and you might plug a charger into a device and it doesn’t charge. It’s the wrong charger.

So, you might try to plug caffeine into your receptors, but it’s not compatible, so it doesn’t charge.

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