Why can dogs have carrots, but not nutmeg?


Apparently, dogs cannot have nutmeg due to the myristicin in it. Carrots also contain myristicin, yet carrots are used in many dog foods and is encouraged as a “healthy treat” for dogs.

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nutmeg is derived from the seed of the tropical evergreen tree Myristica fragrans. The spice mace also comes from a different part of the same seed. Nutmeg contains myristicin, which is used in insecticides. When consumed in high doses by humans, nutmeg also has psychotropic effects and can cause hallucinations and altered sensations. Dogs are typically particularly sensitive to myristicin.

Carrots have a significant amount of insoluble fiber, which can help regulate stool, and the vitamin A and antioxidants can help improve the skin and coat.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’d think it’s dosage level — like how apple cores have trace amounts of cyanide, but you’d die of a ruptured stomach before you could eat enough apples to poison you.

Amount in carrots: 1.7mg per 100g.
Amount in nutmeg: up to 1300mg per 100g