Why can people not safely drink 100% ultra pure water?


I don’t know if it’s like it could hurt you from drinking it at all or if you just can’t drink it for sustained periods of time

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you dring 100% pure water and then absorbie it you will mix it with the blood that is not just water but have minerales like sodium dissolved in it. Your kidney can’t produce 100% pure water so when urine is produced there will be minerals in it. The result is that the number of minerals in your blood will decrease.

The amount of sodium in the blood required for you to live is a quite narrow range. Both to much and to little will kill you.

It is not just sodium. You need calcium and other metals for your skeleton and exactly the same way it will be expelled in urine and the level in the blood get too low.

I suppose you could drink 100% pure water if you alos consume what is dissolved in normal water too like in a tablet that gets dissolved. So it is just drinking the water without any other changes that are the dangerous part.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You are completely right. The myth that you can not drink pure water is very misunderstood. The human body does need minerals and our drinking water is a common source for many of these minerals. And pure water does not have these minerals in them. However there are plenty of other sources of the same minerals, and you do not need these minerals in every sip of water.

In some condition when you are sweating a lot and need to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated between meals you do have to pay attention to the amount of minerals you get and also the balance of the minerals. So you should not buy gallons of distilled water to head into the desert, you should instead get mineral water. You might end up running out of minerals after a day which could be fatal. However there is no harm in drinking a bottle of pure water, or even drinking only pure water assuming you live in a temperate climate and eat regular meals.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You can totally drink ultra pure water. It doesn’t taste very good, even worse than distilled water. People like water with some minerals in it, because it hydrates the body better. There are salt tablets you can consume to improve hydration.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Less than ten percent of the salts and minerals we intake come from drinking water. As long as you’re still eating normally it wouldn’t affect you much at all. Source : [The Contribution of Drinking Water to Nutrition](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK216589/)

Water intoxication is probably what it’s being conflated with. This can be caused by consuming too much of any freshwater, not just ‘ultra pure water’. This effect is because your body relies on sodium concentrations for many metabolic processes; if you have too much water your salt levels become too diluted and these fail. Source: [Fatal Water Intoxication](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1770067/)

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s nothing innately harmful about drinking pure water. I have to, per doctor’s orders, to deal with kidney stones complicated by mineral-rich water. For over 20 years, 4L per day of either purchased distilled water or from a reverse osmosis filter in my kitchen. With a decently healthy diet, any minerals I lack from water I get from other sources.
Taste-wise, it is a bit bland but not offensive. Reverse-osmosis filter systems can include re-mineralizers to add flavorful minerals back into the purified water (mine doesn’t).

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not sure if this is what you mean, but water is a really good solvent, where stuff dissolves into it. Like sugar and carbon dioxide to make soda.

If you have really, I mean really really ultra pure water, it’ll behave like a strong acid/base and will eat stuff. If you have a cup of it it’ll dissolve minerals from the cup and suck gases from the air just by being there. It doesn’t take a lot to stabilize but I don’t know exactly how dangerous it is to drink.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pure (aka deionized) water tastes bad.

It’s very acidic from absorbing CO2 from the air. Last time I measured DI water that’d had been sitting out for a few minutes the PH was around 3-4.

It won’t kill you, but it’s definitely hypotonic and will pull salts out of your cells.

Distilled water is fine to drink. It still has salts in it. Mineral water has even more salts in it. Deionized water is the stuff you should avoid.

EDIT: DISTILLED WATER IS NOT PURE WATER. Deionized water is pure water. They are NOT the same thing. Distilled water still has a good deal of stuff in it.