Why can police radios transmit over long distances even though the transmitter is very small?


Like a police officer’s handheld radio is able to transmit to another unit let’s say 10 miles away, and he’s able to do that with ease. How is this possible? How come handheld radios that we have access to can’t do that? I know this probably sounds dumb to most of ya’ll but

In: 108

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t know if cops use this, but plenty of security forces use PTT (Push-To-Talk) cellphones. Basically, this is a cellphone with special capabilities, hooked up to a special plan. They use regular cell towers and satellites, but they can set several different communication groups, and can choose to talk to any of those groups that they’re a part of.

Moment-by-moment, they’re operated much the same as a radio; you push a button that activates your mic and transmitter, and when you let go of the button, your mic shuts off. Basically they’re radios using cell signal.

I’ve never used this system, but I’ve bought a few ruggedized phones for construction use, and ruggedized phones often have PTT capability, so I looked into it. Seems really useful in some situations.

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