This is a symptom of poor marketing/comms/customer experience strategy, and tech limitations
Think about it like a store. You walk in, storekeeper asks you if you want to buy a shirt. You buy a shirt. The storekeeper knows you bought the shirt, so they don’t ask you to buy it again.
In the digital space (ie online stores), the storekeeper can (and should) leverage data integrations to tell the advertising platforms that you have bought the shirt that was advertised to you.
However, this doesn’t always happen, usually due one or a few of
Ignorance – don’t know it’s possible
Ambivalence – they don’t care
Tech limitations – they don’t have the right tech in place for the integrations
And a 4th reason that’s coming up more and more is privacy. Browsers in particular are limiting the ability for advertising and marketing technologies to accurately identify buyers, which means it’s harder to notify the ascertaining platform to “turn off” the advertising after the purchase has happened.
Source: I lead marketing technology strategy for global enterprise organisations.
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