Why can targeted advertising be smart enough to show me ads at home for something I searched on my PC at work, but not smart enough to not show me the same ad 10x in a row or for services for which I’ve already subscribed?


Why can targeted advertising be smart enough to show me ads at home for something I searched on my PC at work, but not smart enough to not show me the same ad 10x in a row or for services for which I’ve already subscribed?

In: 128

38 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ad “technology” is not “smart”. I hate the way everything nowadays is called a “smart” something-or-other, just to sound in-vogue. The cool word used to be ‘formula’, then ‘algorithm’, then ‘smart’, and now its moving to ‘AI’. None of these things are anything more than coding. Coding with some bullsh1t marketing to fool people.

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