Why can the new Overture Boom plane only go 20% faster over land but 2x over water?


Why can the new Overture Boom plane only go 20% faster over land but 2x over water?

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4 Answers

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[Overland supersonic](https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/14/91.817) flight is currently banned in the US per 14 CFR 91.817.

So if a normal airliner cruises at mach .8, then this one can cruise at just under the speed of sound to avoid window shattering sonic booms over land, and then once over water really give it the go juice.

Sonic booms are also not just one boom. They continuously follow the aircraft, and as such continuously emit huge amounts of noise.

They’re obtrusive and damaging enough that it was even a [serious point of contention with the Concorde. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Concorde_Project)

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