Why can we eat duck meat medium rare, treating it like red meat, but chicken, which is white meat, has to be fully cooked, even though both are types of birds?

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Why can we eat duck meat medium rare, treating it like red meat, but chicken, which is white meat, has to be fully cooked, even though both are types of birds?

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10 Answers

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Because chicken is cheap and duck is expensive.

To keep chicken cheap it’s farmed in truly disgusting ways. The workers who have to enter the coup houses are generally in full bio hazard suits and respirators. They need that much PPE because everything and I mean everything is covered in chicken shit. Any kind of poop around a food source is generally pretty terrible food safety wise.

If raised in more sanitary conditions (like ducks often are, or most chicken found in Japan) there is nothing intrinsically less safe about chicken than duck.

But because we know that the commercial farming of chickens creates a much much higher level of risk, it’s standard practice to cook chicken to a temperature that mitigates that risk.

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