Why can we tell when a sneeze is coming, and what causes that feeling?


Why can we tell when a sneeze is coming, and what causes that feeling?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Inside your airway, there are millions of tiny hairs who are responsible for filtering the air you breathe in and out.

However, there is also mucus which is ever present, and responsible for ‘mopping up’ the stuff caught by the hairs.

Occasionally, this system is triggered by something it is itself unable to eject from your body. Whatever it is, they need to get it out, but it doesnt have the strength to do so. This triggers a cascade of signals which results in a sneeze. When you ‘feel’ a sneeze building, what you’re sensing is this cascade of signals, before the trigger is pulled.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The second I walk outside into the sun, I sneeze. My wife made fun of me until our kids both started to do the same thing 😁. Now she’s the weird one for not having that reflex.