why can you easily download pictures from most websites, but can’t right click and download videos?

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why can you easily download pictures from most websites, but can’t right click and download videos?

In: Technology

8 Answers

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Most images on websites are simple your web browser gets told “Here is a link to an image file please display it in this location” than the browser has a built-in function that just saves the image to storage if you ask it to. However videos are more complicated.

whilst you can simply embed a video file [Like shown in this example](https://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_video.asp) that would allow a user to right-click to download the video web developers often decide to use other methods. for example Youtube uses their own video player and as it isn’t a standard feature of the web browsers don’t know how to save the content. unlike with a simple video embed, a Youtube video is streamed to the client in pieces in YouTubes own format; there is no file to just save. Many videos on other websites just embed a Youtube video this saves the load on the website as they don’t need to send you the video just a link.

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