Why can you temporarily forget stuff? If the memory is gone, why isn’t it just gone forever?


Why can you temporarily forget stuff? If the memory is gone, why isn’t it just gone forever?

In: Biology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Brains do not store information in an understandable, predictable, and organized manner that computer hard drives do. Brains work as a series of pathways being activated in certain orders/areas, often triggered by some kind of stimuli.

When a computer forgets something, it means that the actual information is gone because the computer knows exactly how to get there.

When a brain forgets something it didn’t lose the information, it just doesn’t know how to get to it. Then some sight, phrase, smell, sound, etc. will trigger pathways and the memory will resurface.

There is simply just too much information for the brain to have everything “active” at once.

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