why can’t a power plant “dump” extra unused electricity?


Some countries produce too much electricity at a certain period of the year, and have to pay another country to get rid of their extra own unconsumed electricity. Why can’t a power plant produce more electricity than consumed, what’s the physical obstacle to do so?

Also, what will the receiving country do if this surplus of electricity is again not consumed entirely?

In: 60

17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of it like baking a cake in an oven. The heat is like electricity, and the cake is like the electric consumers.

Too much heat, cake burns. Too little, cake doesn’t bake.

The oven will heat up to the right temp and then turn off, because if it kept producing heat it would get too hot and burn the cake. If it gets too hot accidentally, open the oven door to release some heat.

Same with generating electricity…too much electricity and my electronics and stuff go bzzzZzzzzzbbrrrbrrrboom!!!

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