Why can’t a single portable battery work with all of devices (laptop, phone, camera, etc


Why does every product have a list of devices it can work with and cant?

In: Engineering

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are battery packs that adjust to different working voltages and amperage. I have a NOCO battery pack that charges my iPad and MacBook, and can also jump start my car.

As for the battery itself, there are no battery chemistry’s that allow for a dramatic voltage range. NI-CD batteries lose their max capacity if discharged too low, Lithium and Lead / Acid explode if overcharged.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are battery packs that adjust to different working voltages and amperage. I have a NOCO battery pack that charges my iPad and MacBook, and can also jump start my car.

As for the battery itself, there are no battery chemistry’s that allow for a dramatic voltage range. NI-CD batteries lose their max capacity if discharged too low, Lithium and Lead / Acid explode if overcharged.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Problem 1, the port. USB is not universal, especially if you own a proprietary device like an apple. But that’s only half the battle.

Problem 2 is voltage. Laptops use more of it, 12 to 16v is normal, whereas a phone can take a 5v input(usb standard voltage).

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because different devices have different requirements for their power supply. Your laptop usually runs on a higher voltage than your mobile phone. Also the consumption of your computer is higher, which makes the battery larger.

Maybe with USB-C as a common plug for laptops and mobile phones/tablets there might be batterypacks which can serve as a common source…

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well you could use thus : https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07CYMCLDN/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

that would let you plug in almost any device you want.

But more specifically, all devices need different voltages, so they need different inputs to function. Also, devises use different amounts of power, would you want a laptop that only lasts 4 minutes, or a sell phone the size of a fanny pack? There are some closer to universal battery types/sizes which are then adapted to fit their use, like the 18650 cell which is individually quite small and is used quite extensively in larger applications (like Tesla cars). They stack up huge amounts of them very specifically to increase both the voltage and the capacity.