Why can’t ai “site” it’s sources?


It doesn’t have to be insanely specific, but I guess when I prompt it with “pizza with pineapple”, why can’t it go through all of the connections that helped it understand what I mean by “pizza” and “pineapple”, and then site what images helped it and how much each image did

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Assuming you are talking about an image generation AI, because the source is every image it has in its database.

It uses the images of what you want to know what to draw and everything else to know what is similar to what you want and the rest to know what not to draw.

Though, that answer isn’t even entirely accurate because it doesn’t really have a source because it’s a giant pile of neural nets, math, patterns, grammar and random numbers that has mostly learned how to draw things that you tell it to so what it’s drawing isn’t entirely connected to any sources more than any others.

As a analogy, asking an AI for its source is kind of like cutting down a forest, mulching them all down into a giant vat of pulp, mixing it up and turning it into paper, then asking which tree a particular sheet came from. It might have come from a few more than others, but it’s impossible to say for sure and kind of meaningless at this point anyway.

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