Why can’t commas replace colons in movie titles?


We could just read it as (Movie title) and then (any other important information about the movie)

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9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because commas and colons are used for different purposes.

a punctuation mark (,) indicating a pause between parts of a sentence. It is also used to separate items in a list and to mark the place of thousands in a large numeral

a punctuation mark (:) used to precede a list of items, a quotation, or an expansion or explanation.

Anonymous 0 Comments

What have you got against colons that you want to see them replaced?

It’s just convention to use colons in titles. Unless there’s a good reason to change, people stick with convention.

If you wanted to you could do things differently: the rules of grammar are loose in titles. People would probably think it’s unusual, which you might think is a good or a bad thing.

There are also some things with commas in their titles, like the film *Paris, Texas* or *The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover*. If you used commas to separate subtitles or individual from series titles, this could cause confusion. Since colons are used much less as punctuation they’re less of a problem.

Anonymous 0 Comments

What have you got against colons that you want to see them replaced?

It’s just convention to use colons in titles. Unless there’s a good reason to change, people stick with convention.

If you wanted to you could do things differently: the rules of grammar are loose in titles. People would probably think it’s unusual, which you might think is a good or a bad thing.

There are also some things with commas in their titles, like the film *Paris, Texas* or *The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover*. If you used commas to separate subtitles or individual from series titles, this could cause confusion. Since colons are used much less as punctuation they’re less of a problem.

Anonymous 0 Comments

What have you got against colons that you want to see them replaced?

It’s just convention to use colons in titles. Unless there’s a good reason to change, people stick with convention.

If you wanted to you could do things differently: the rules of grammar are loose in titles. People would probably think it’s unusual, which you might think is a good or a bad thing.

There are also some things with commas in their titles, like the film *Paris, Texas* or *The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover*. If you used commas to separate subtitles or individual from series titles, this could cause confusion. Since colons are used much less as punctuation they’re less of a problem.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because commas and colons are used for different purposes.

a punctuation mark (,) indicating a pause between parts of a sentence. It is also used to separate items in a list and to mark the place of thousands in a large numeral

a punctuation mark (:) used to precede a list of items, a quotation, or an expansion or explanation.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because commas and colons are used for different purposes.

a punctuation mark (,) indicating a pause between parts of a sentence. It is also used to separate items in a list and to mark the place of thousands in a large numeral

a punctuation mark (:) used to precede a list of items, a quotation, or an expansion or explanation.

Anonymous 0 Comments

No because in regular text you use colons with the same purpose as in movie titles: to further detail something. They are not just aesthetics

Anonymous 0 Comments

No because in regular text you use colons with the same purpose as in movie titles: to further detail something. They are not just aesthetics

Anonymous 0 Comments

No because in regular text you use colons with the same purpose as in movie titles: to further detail something. They are not just aesthetics