Why can’t computers predict the weather far into the future?


I guess I’m assuming.. Bare bones, everything out there has a scientific reason for acting the way it does. Wind, humidity, temperature, yadda yadda. What randomness is preventing us from entering all the values into a computer program, hitting fast foward, and seeing close to exactly how things will be far down the road?

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6 Answers

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We don’t currently have the ability to perfectly measure all those things. We can take the temperature in one location, but it might be off by a 10th of a degree or a 100th of a degree. We’re not measuring the temperature at every point on Earth. We’re maybe measuring it in a few places in one location and assuming that the temperature in the surrounding area is similar, but it might be off by a little bit. So there are all these tiny errors that add up when we try to measure the weather and make predictions. These aren’t problems when you’re making a prediction a few days out, but over longer periods of time, they add up and make your predictions less and less accurate.

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