Why can’t conditions be replicated for food making?


The best prosciuttos and mozzarellas are from Italy. The best teas are from China. Why can’t anyone who wants to recreate the process anywhere they want? In a greenhouse? In a factory?

In: 22

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You can recreate them… but part of the enjoyment is knowing what you’re eating has come from a certain area and has history and memories associated with it that recreated food cannot match. If I gave you some decent Italian mozzarella but told you it was from the cornershop I’m sure you wouldn’t enjoy it as much as if you were in a fine dining restaurant even though it’s the same product.

Wine is a classic example. Plenty of YouTube videos with wine experts and double blind taste tests show that most experts can barely tell a red from a white.

The best cheese is from Gloucestershire :).

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